Monday, May 11, 2009

Why NDP?

Why I'm I voting NDP? I don't want any more privatization of our natural resources, such as rivers and crown land, I don't want any more private roads, rail, transit, hospitals and other health and education facilities, operated by private companies, friends of the Liberals. I don't want our tax dollars wasted away in stupid mega projects, such as Gateway, which benefit no one but the road builders. I don't want any influence by Gordo and Falcon on Translink, let the region decide what is best for the region. I want rail to the Valley, streetcars and lightrail, not new bridges. I want a caring and just society, not homelessness and exorbitant court fees that only rich people and corporations can pay (try suing a company or the government, it will cost you tens of thousands in court fees alone. It used to cost only hundreds under the NDP). I don't think high tuition fees help anybody, really. 

I've always voted NDP and I would never vote BC Liberal. So what I say is biased. I know there is some debate and controversy with the carbon tax, but the real big polluters, the oil and gas industry, are not paying anything. A carbon tax will have no effect on driving habits and greenhouse gas reductions when there is huge highway construction and ever growing sprawl. Go to Langley, or anywhere in the Valley and you will see what I mean. Cap and trade puts the large corporations on the table. They can't and should not get away with it. A poor family should not have to pay, no matter what you say. I'm also voting NO to STV. I don't want to be represented by three MLA's, I don't want the party I voted for be replaced by a sub-majority of whiners. So there you have it!

1 comment:

Pierre Gauthier said...

I forgot to mention about the further erosion of the A.L.R. and the fragmentation of the A.L.C. under the BC Liberals. The true reason why there is not huge sprawl is the A.L.R., not the forward vision of previous governments!